- BINGO July 3 & 17BINGO: 1st and 3rd Wednesday 1:00 – 4:00 pm doors open at noon. An afternoon of fun and entertainment with cash prizes, special games and a progressive jackpot. On the 3rd Wednesday of the month there is also Hot Dogs and Pop available for purchase before the games begin starting at noon. Open to non members. Member /…
- Let’s Fill the Food Bank BinIn mid-June, we will be placing the Saanich Peninsula red Food Bank bin in the lounge area for a couple of weeks. The Saanich Peninsula Food Bank provides food hampers to those in need, distributing more than $410,000 in food per year. When you support the Saanich Peninsula Food Bank, you are ensuring that hungry people…
- Chemainus Theatre trip 9-5 July 31The next trip is now scheduled for Wednesday, July 31st for the musical 9- 5, complete with a buffet lunch at the Chemainus Theatre. The total cost per person for this trip is $170 which includes the transportation, buffet lunch, premium seats for the show, and all gratuities. If you are wanting to go on …
- Follow Us on Facebook!Keep up-to-date with what is happening at the Centre by following our Facebook page.Our Facebook page is great a place to advertise events happening at the Centre that are open to the public. The Facebook page is managed by Activity Coordinator Lisa van Bommel who welcomes members to follow and share public events with friends…